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Print This Checklist For Your Next Site Visit

By: The Otesaga / 22 Sep 2016

Site Visit Checklist

At The Otesaga Resort Hotel, we understand that the site visit is a crucial step in meeting planning. Generally, you want to allow at least two hours for a thorough site inspection. Given everything you will want to see, ask and discuss, two hours can go quickly. In order to make the most of your site visit, we highly recommend preparing a checklist in advance that covers everything from preparation through follow-up. While each event is unique and will have specific needs, there are some universal items that should be on every site visit checklist.

Preparation Checklist

Research venues in advance and ensure they can give you your "must haves" for the event before scheduling a site visit. You don't want to waste your time looking at a venue that cannot accommodate your group size or technology needs. Our advice is to check the following when you are booking a site visit:

  1. Legal capacity for the venue as a whole and all individual meeting spaces

  2. Wi-fi availability and cost (complimentary at The Otesaga)

  3. What permits and licenses you will need for your event

  4. Available on-site equipment, technology and associated staff

  5. Needs specific to key event stakeholders

What to Do During the Site Visit

Consider bringing an exhibitor, a team member and a potential attendee with you on your visit. Each of these individuals will be looking at the site from a distinct perspective and will see concerns or limitations you may have overlooked. While on site, be certain to:

  1. View each meeting space, including all breakout rooms

  2. Take pictures and/or video to share with other team members and to help you visualize the space when you are back at the office

  3. Meet the chef and sample the food that attendees will be eating

  4. Talk to the catering manager and get a clear understanding of their minimums

  5. Visit every space in the hotel, the meeting areas, restrooms, parking area, etc. You want to be certain the entire venue meets your standards and expectations

  6. Walk the space as though you were moving through your event

  7. Try to observe a live event; this will give you a chance to experience the acoustics, set, available equipment, etc.

After the Site Visit

Take the time to type up your notes from the site visit as soon as possible. The details, as well as your overall impressions, will still be fresh in your mind. Additionally, if you are visiting multiple venues, this will prevent confusion among them. When you return to the office it's time to:

  1. Review the photos and videos you took and compare them to your potential setup and layout

  2. Contact the site's events manager with any follow-up questions

  3. Call your team together for a meeting to discuss the visit and share photos and videos

Without a site visit, it is nearly impossible to ensure the venue you select is the best possible option for your event. At The Otesaga Resort Hotel, we provide extensive information about our meeting and event services online, including floor plans, banquet menus and photos. As a result, when you conduct a site visit at The Otesaga, you can make the best use of your time with us.

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