Whether you're Team Apple or Team Pumpkin, there are so many ways for your family to enjoy fall fun in Cooperstown. With u-pick farms, family-friendly festivals, and outdoor adventures, we've put together some can't-miss experiences to enjoy during an autumn visit to our upstate NY resort.
Pick Your Favorites
To truly enjoy a fall day in Cooperstown, you need to get outside and enjoy the crisp air. A popular family-friendly activity is apple and pumpkin picking at one of our area's u-pick farms and orchards. A short drive from The Otesaga, Middlefield Orchard offers over 28 varieties of apples from which to choose. Their orchard consists of dwarf trees, allowing for easy picking for both kids and adults. The challenge will be to have apples left for your trip back home!
Flavors of Fall
Nestled in the heart of rural upstate NY, our area is lucky to have many farms producing a bounty of fruits and vegetables. A trip to the Cooperstown Farmers' Market is a delicious showcase of the many flavors to be found here. Through September, the market is open Tuesdays and Saturdays (returning to Saturdays only in October) and is located just off of Main Street and a short walk from The Otesaga. Bring home a variety of fresh local products, including fruits, vegetables, pasture-raised meats, cheeses, eggs, and even maple syrup!
Harvest the Fun
There is no shortage of family-friendly festivals in Cooperstown in the fall! One of the most popular autumn events is just steps from our resort at The Farmers' Museum. Harvest Festival brings together a wide variety of performers, artisans, and vendors. For locals and visitors alike, it is a surefire sign that fall is in full swing!
Enjoy the View
Naturally, one of the best parts of fall getaway in Cooperstown is the colorful show put on by Mother Nature! There are many places to take in the fall foliage, including a hike at nearby Glimmerglass State Park. With several trails to choose from, you and your family can explore nature while enjoying an incredible view of the changing leaves along Otsego Lake. Of course, some of the best views are right here at The Otesaga, whether you're sitting with the family on the veranda, enjoying a round of golf at Leatherstocking Golf Course , or strolling the grounds of our lakeside resort.
If you're ready to plan a postcard-perfect fall getaway, look no further than a family stay at The Otesaga!