One of the many consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is the displacement of offices to remote working. For businesses that already relied on remote workers, this was a more seamless transition. However, many teams found themselves collaborating in-person one day and meeting over Zoom, Whereby, or other platforms the next day. Even though workers have the ability to see each other and talk to each other on a daily basis, the lack of face-to-face interaction can leave your team feeling isolated from one another. Here are some tips for keeping coworkers connected while working remotely.
Mindful Meetings
While daily team meetings are important to ensure day-to-day operations continue as smoothly as possible, set aside times for more casual get togethers, as well. Find someone (either a team member or an outside professional) who can lead a meditation or yoga session. Providing your team with an outlet during the work day to refresh their mindset can help keep their stress levels down and give everyone an opportunity to interact outside of their work needs.
Welcome to My World
As we've all learned over the past few months, the home office has many iterations. While some have a dedicated space, many others find themselves at kitchen and dining room tables, at their child's desk, or with a laptop on their couch. Your team is used to knowing each other's office setups, pictures of children and pets adorning their desks; once a week, pick someone to lead a "tour" of their home office. It's a great way for team members to connect with one another and bond over the "new normal" circumstances that everyone is dealing with.
Raise a Glass...or a Mug
Coffee breaks and happy hours are an ingrained part of the office experience and can be easily reimagined in the remote working environment. Set aside time for small groups to meet online during the day for 15 minutes to talk about...whatever! Whether it's the Netflix show they just binge-watched or the parenting challenges they're experiencing, your team is no doubt missing these personal interactions during the day to talk about something other than deadlines. Happy hour, too, is another great way to let your employees blow off steam. Dedicate a day to meet after work on your platform of choice and have your team raise a glass to making it through another week!
When you're ready to bring everyone together for in-person team building, The Otesaga is the perfect destination for a retreat. With our award-winning Leatherstocking Golf Course, proximity to world-class museums, and plenty of opportunities for fresh air fun, your team will welcome the opportunity to gather for some relaxation.